Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Bridal Shower Gift

I have been dying to share this with you, friends! Yes, dying!!! My older sister is getting married in September, and her first shower was Saturday. I can't wait to share this shower on here too, but there are a lot of pictures to sort through! Hopefully a little later this week...

Anyway, so I wanted to give her a unique gift that she would be able to use but would also make her new home cute! She and her fiance' love to cook and use lots of spices, so I decided to make her an herb garden! This took weeks of planning but it was so fun to do! First, I rounded up some terra cotta pots. One medium sized one and six baby ones.

Then I brought out my beloved Krylon Chalkboard paint. I chose chalkboard so that if they ever wanted to change herbs or use the pots for something else, they could just wipe the names off and start over!
After a few good coats of paint they were looking good!
Meanwhile, I had the herbs incubating (is that the proper term here?) inside. I planted two pots each of Basil, Oregano and Parsley.
For the larger pot, I bought a mint plant. They love mojitos so I figured this would be a great investment. My brother-in-law to be just put a bar in his home and they do a lot of entertaining. This is the little guy when I first bought him, two weeks out, in his freshly renovated pot.
I took it inside and chalkboarded the name on it. I was initially going to go really elaborate but decided at the last minute to keep it simple.

 And here is the mint plant the morning of the shower. The little thing just kept growing. I'm sure it got pruned shortly after I gave it to her. ;)
 Now as for the little plants, I transplanted them into their pots once they got a little bigger and then wrote their names on each pot. I wanted to find something to sit them on so that she can move them around as a unit and after hunting and hunting for something that I loved, I remembered this little "garden" bench at Michael's. That was it. I am SO glad that I remembered too! It is perfect!
Aren't they just so cute you could die????
I taped a piece of chalk to the back for them. It will probably last them forever. 
 And when I bought the bench, I stumbled across this cute little ORB watering  can! I had to. It is just so cute! I may have to get one for myself ;)

Okay know its a good gift when you really wish that you could just keep it for yourself. That is my gauge for any DIY gift that I give. If its not something that I would love, it needs to be better! And this is so stinking cute. I hope you are inspired! Let me know if you have ever done anything like this!

PS-I still have lots of seeds so we may be getting one of our own :)


  1. AHHH!! this is so weird... i was thinking about doing the EXACT same thing for myself this afternoon... i love to cook and have been wanting to start growing my own herbs and veggies. i was also thinking about how to make a little set as a gift (i'm planning on doing all hand-made gifts this year) for birthdays/holidays. any suggestions on the different herbs and how to grow them?

  2. How fun would this be for a mother's day present? I love your little touches, like remembering to supply chalk! Chalk is like batteries, whenever I need one I don't have it! Great job!!!

  3. This is a lovely idea, I'm sure they really appreciate it, especially all the effort you went to!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Love this! Found you from the TDC party. Great blog - I'm a follower now!

  6. This is sooooo cute! I've been wanting to plant some herbs and this is a cute idea to display it.

  7. That is a really great gift idea! Love it! You did a good job. your newest follower. Hope you can visit me sometime!

  8. I'm a follower! Totally in love with your blog! I'll be back for more! I want to be an interior designer when I "grow up" :D Are you okay with me featuring you on my blog? Check out my past features and stuff on my blog. :D

  9. Ugh this is TOO cute! I LOVE it. Adorable.

  10. ohh my ... I love it soo pretty - and the bench is lovely I WANT ONE !! haha :D
    I´m a new follower;)

  11. That is such an awesome gift idea! Thanks for linking it! :)

  12. Such a cute idea!! I can totally do this..I have a bunch of leftover small pots from my Chia Herb Garden (yes I am that cool lol)...just gotta head to Michaels for some chalk spray paint.


    Delighted Momma

  13. Soooooo cute!!! I love to have herbs growing on my deck in the summer so I can just snip off what I need. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Love love LOVE it! I'm totally featuring it today on Topsy Turvy Tuesdays! Thanks for linking up! I am in love with it and can't wait to make a few for myself! I love cooking with fresh herbs and need a few of these in my window sil!

  15. I'm featuring this on Thrifty Thursday this week! :)

  16. What a fabulous and thoughtful gift! I love it and I'm sure your sister did as well! Great idea! Thank you for sharing it with us at Inspiration Friday!


  17. This is a really good idea. Great job!

  18. This is the most adorable little herbs bench I've ever seen! I hope they were happy with your gift...I would've been thrilled!!!
    Lovely project...thanks for sharing it!!!! :)
