
Friday, April 29, 2011

I Was Featured on EAD Designs blog!

E.A.D. Designs was kind enough to feature my moulding and vinyl project on their blog today!! Remember this?
I ordered my wall quote from them a few months ago and I LOVE it! I am so excited about their products. They have some really awesome designs, they are excellent quality and their prices are hard to beat! I dare you to look at their website. If you leave there without a wish list of at least 10 items, let me know. I would like to borrow some of your resolve! ;)

You can view the post by 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Half Bath, Half Accessorized!

So, I know I have already showed you guys this space. But I have done a little thrifty accessorizing and I wanted to share it with you! There are still things that I want to do, like fancy up a few of these things in there, maybe some artwork for the walls and install some sort of shades or blinds to the window. Its a ground level window and I will be honest, its intimidating to use it at night. Especially when we have guests over and we are outside. Not very good situation. I have even thought about getting that vinyl glass frosting stuff so that it doesn't block out our light. We shall see. :)

You can't see it here, but I have two ADORABLE little apothecary jars in the window sill. I will try to get a better picture. They probably won't stay there but it seemed like a good place for them for now.

We bought this bucket to hold sand for the sparklers at our wedding. Its just been sitting around the basement for months. Turns out, its the perfect size to hold magazines and extra toilet paper. I have plans to make it a little snazzier in the future, too. But for now its really cute just like it is! And we FINALLY re-hung the toilet paper holder! No more reaching behind you!
This little soap/lotion rack is from Bath and Body works and is one of my favorite scents! Sea Island Cotton. My mom gave it to me forever ago because it didn't match her house. Therefore, it was fa-reeee! Its also nice because we have zero counter space in that bathroom as it is just a pedestal sink.
I got this rug for $3 at Ross the other day. I'll post another picture without the tag. ;) We were still trying to decide if we were keeping it. Its the perfect size for that tiny bathroom and we already own towels in that color. I really love the way that the color pops off of the floor color.
So there you have it. Not my most exciting post ever, but a post nonetheless! Its slowly but surely coming along. I really love how much character this tiny little room in our house has! And its nice to not have to haul upstairs when you have to go!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Basement Reveal Part 4: The Laundry Room

Sorry that it took me so long to share this room! Honestly, I just ended up putting it off. I wanted to wait until the clothes were somewhat picked up and the room looked nice. :) So here is the view from the doorway. Notice the sweet husband laid that and it looks amazing. I love the color! That shelf on the far wall is a work in progress...
 Some towels....just keepin' it real people! :)
 My little cutie from the last post. I love it. I do.
 This is wonderful. Being a woman, almost nothing I own is dryer safe. So this is a must have!
 We have open shelving there to the left that we covered with a shower curtain. Eventually I think we will put doors on it. We have quite a few left over from the way the den used to be. For now, we are totally okay with the curtain. It adds some color to the room! And that patch of drywall to the left is from where we had to take down part of the wall for waterproofing. We will get around to repainting that....
It gets so much natural sunlight. I love it!
So there you have it. Its still a work in progress, but it is so pleasant and enjoyable. Totally functional. Now just over time and with very little money we will tweak it a bit. Honestly, it would be great if we could get it the way that we want using only things that we already have! I would love that! Hopefully I will have an update for you in the coming months. For now, I am just happy that it looks so nice!

Friday, April 22, 2011

I'm noticing an addiction to black paint...

So the other day when I posted my TJ Maxx find that I did not buy, I mentioned that I ended up buying a little something on clearance but I wasn't saying what it was in case I turned it into a shower gift for my older sister. longestrunonsentenceever! Well, I got it home and fell in love with its curves. So I decided to keep it for our home. :) No worries. I am not the most selfish little sister ever. I have created her something WAY cooler that I will share with you all after the shower on the 30th. Anywho....we don't have any red in our house. So you may be able to see why I almost passed this lovely up.
But I stopped when I noticed these lovely details:
And then I saw this and it was all over. I knew it was coming with me. In case that is not terribly visible. Yes, that says $3.50. You can't eat at McDonald's for that anymore!
I held onto it for about a week. And then one day I took it out to admire it and decided "heck with this. I want to paint it to match our home." So out came the trusty black satin spray paint. and away we went!
 Here it is with two coats, drying in the sun. :)
And then I brought it into the laundry room to take pictures of it for you, friends. The light in there is great and I liked it against the white backdrop of the dryer.

Once I had it there, I really liked it! I had/have someday plans to make a cute jar of sorts to hold our laundry detergent and I had been wanting to put it on a tray on the dryer. This is just too cute! So I staged it with a large Ball jar for now. Maybe I'll put some flowers in it until I get around to the soap jar. :)
I love the way it brings just a little bit of class to a somewhat boring room. (at least to me....) This may not be its forever home. But right now, I am lovin' it!

(Yeah...that was in reference to my McDonald's reference

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Monogram Giveaway Winner!

Sorry it took me a few days to post this! I picked the winner on Sunday I just never got a chance to post it! (yeah, I know, I have posted but those were pre-scheduled!)

I picked the winner for the monogram using The magic entry was number 6!
That's Stephanie! Yay! You can email me what you want! Or facebook me....since we are friends on facebook :) I am so excited to do this for you girl! Thanks so much for following and being a friend! 

The Big Reveal!: Girl Room

Here she is, friends. The room that I have been dying to show you for weeks! You may remember this room from this previous post. For the most part, it's done! There are some minor accessory projects left to do, but this is the overall look! Here's the view of the main part of the room. Skirt to hide junk: forthcoming. You can see the table process by clicking here.
Recognize that lovely chalkboard? :) You can see how I did it here.
Or this lovely chair? :) Which you can see here.

I picked up that cute mirror while I was working at Victoria's Secret. And the pencil/scissors cup, I wrapped a leftover strip of my lovely chair fabric around a Hunt's Spaghetti sauce can!! Free and adorable!
And my precious has a home. Now maybe I will be able to use it more!
This is the other chair, waiting its turn for beautification. For now, I draped the leftover fabric over it to make it look more cohesive. And one of my fun pillows that I have been storing.
Recognize that medicine cabinet? You can see how I made it so cute here.

 Yeah, I know the frames are crooked :) I got annoyed with them and decided to just leave them. Who cares right? I'll probably move them anyway.
 I love, love LOVE! our flooring. Its phenomenal, really.

The cork board I already owned. So it was free!

Here it is! All finished! Well, for now. You know me, I have projects up my sleeve. But its totally a cute and functional space that I can use and I don't feel a rush to make any changes just yet. I walk in there and feel so happy! Not pictured: my workout equipment hiding behind the door. I need to get off of here and put that stuff to use! ;)

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Table-Turned Custom Desk!

When we started re-doing the basement, I dreamt in my head what I wanted my "girl cave" to look like. The room is an odd shape, so I knew that I wanted to have a long desk that fit right into the end of the room so that I would have plenty of space to craft, etc. However, we did not want to spend much money at all, and were really looking to use what we already had. My dad offered to give me one of his 9 foot long tables that he had in his storage shed. PERFECT! Only problem is that my room is 7 feet wide. So one day dad came over and we laid that bad boy out and measured it to 7 feet.
Once we measured it, we stood the table up and he cut it using a circular saw. And his neat clampy thing. I am glad he did it for me because I had no idea what he was doing. He even bent the metal frame underneath and bolted it back on. Then he rounded the corners and put the rubber pieces back.
I failed majorly at the progress pics for this. So sorry, friends! But here's what I did. I took two cans worth of that WalMart $1 spray paint that I mentioned in my last post here and covered every inch of this bad boy. Now I have my hesitations about painting on laminate because it usually scratches or peels off. But surprisingly, once this dried it is pretty resilient. I had intended to give it a coat of poly but I don't thin that it needs it! Here it is in the girl room now. Another leetle sneak peek! (I plan to post the reveal this week!)
There. That shot doesn't really let you see the full table, but it doesn't let you see the girl room either! ;) I want to show you but I want to show you all at once! And most of it centers around the table. I plan to eventually add fabric to make a skirt for it so that I can hide my junk use that space for storage. Girl room reveal to come in a few days! I can't wait to show you! And then you will be able to see the table too....

Save Some Green!

Hey friends!

I wanted to let you know about a little something that I discovered the other day. Its called Basically, you shop online like you always do but click through their website. And they give you cash back to your paypal account. Its totally legitimate! I signed up and got a $5 bonus and I am fairly certain that you would too!

Its totally free! You can sign up at the link below! Let me know if you do or if you have ever used it! I would love to know. It just seems to good not to share with you, friends! :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Chair Remodel

My dad gave us these chairs. He got them from his office a long time ago. They are comfortable chairs, but the problem is that they really did not match our decor at all. So, in honor of my girl cave being completed, I decided it was time to give them a makeover. The first one was a lot of work so the second one may be waiting just a bit. Here is what the chair started out as.
 After lots of staple pulling, this is what the back looked like. You will need needle nosed pliers for this. Its literally quite impossible without them. And lots of free time.
Several hours later, after pulling hundreds of staples from any and everywhere. I finally got the chair to this state.
 Then I took her outside. And you will no believe this. I bought a can of $1 WalMart spray paint to use at a primer-type of coat. So that it would not take as much of the more expensive Krylon that I love. And one can of WalMart paint covered everything perfectly! I didn't even have to touch the Krylon! And it dried a satin finish which I thought I had gotten flat because I did not realize the WalMart brand came in Satin. Happy accident!
 Yeah I didn't even bother to cover the foam. I figured that the fabric I am using is dark enough to cover what little bit gets on it. And I was right! Glad I did not waste my time!
 Here she is all dry and inside. Just waiting for me to cover her with her loverly new clothes!
 I laid out the fabric that I bought. This was a thick upholstery quality fabric at Joann's. I was lucky that when I went in, the brand was on sale. I got 2 yards for $12.00!!! I may have to go back and get more. I will just pray its still on sale :). I laid my fabric on the floor and then laid the pieces of cloth I had removed from the chair on top. I cut my new pieces about 1 inch bigger than the existing pieces to leave room for error. This is why I may need more cloth.
 Then I just matched the pieces up and started stapling! (I'll post a tutorial for this part when I get around to chair number 2) Really to perfectly hide the staples I would have had to dismantle the back part of the chair. Hubby and I started to and then gave up. It was not an easy process. So I will hide my staples with a lovely chord trim soon! Here is halfway through the process.
And here she is all finished! The only thing I need to do is put that chording on. Just not ready to spend the money on it yet. You can't even see the staples unless you get really close and know to look for them! And this is your sneak peek of my almost complete girl room!
 *Sigh*  I love it. I love. love. love it. It was a lot of work but it looks SO GOOD in there!
One more time, just for fun. Here is what it looked like before:
And here is the glorious after!

**DON'T FORGET! Today is the last day to enter my giveaway!**
to enter!!