Probably 80% of the problem for me when I am trying to get in shape is that I get really bored with doing the same workout day in and day out. Also my body adjusts to them and they stop working. So this time I have been constantly looking for new ways to work out.
Recently my husband got into kettlebell fitness and I can see that he is having great results. I have wanted to start using them too, because I know they are great, but his is way over my weight limit. So today I was in WalMart and came across one just my size for $15! I couldn't walk away. I figure that he can teach me the moves that he does and help me out with it. Only problem was that I wanted to try it tonight and he had to work! So I started scouring the web and found this workout:
It actually is not super hard. I have been using an 8 lbs kettlebell. Most of the movements are pretty easy, like this one:
However, after doing several reps you start to feel it. I also really love the swings, because I can feel them in my core.
I did the full workout in 2 circuits, waited an hour and half (a bad storm hit and I decided to chill and wait it out...tornado warnings, etc) and then 2 more full circuits when the storm was done. It was a great workout! I know I will be feeling it in the morning! Anyone looking to start a workout or to diversify the one that they are doing, I would HIGHLY recommend getting a kettlebell!
I will let you know how trying to do these with my husband goes!

AWEOSME! I love hearing about new workouts, let us know how you like the results!